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What makes a great character, you ask?
You’ve come to the right place! We’re about to tell you…

This one-day practical seminar helps you fully develop your character – to make them a true hero – because they drive your story.

Screenwriter, writing coach and author Nadia Tabbara will go through:
1. The definition of a hero
2. examples of famous characters and why we love them
3. Archetypes vs Stereotypes, and what that really means
4. how to write your hero – write now.

Throughout this seminar you will learn to create the backdrop behind your character, along with the right questions to ask yourself and the characters in your story.

This workshop will make a hero out of you – well, your characters at least.

Who can take this workshop?
FADE IN: participants are architects, engineers, copywriters, advertisers, ngo coordinators, strategists, doctors (yes!), accountants, bankers, filmmakers, writers… At fadein, we don’t believe that creativity has levels or has a certain “job”. We guide you to make creative writing part of your life, where you can start and finish your projects and keep producing more and more creative work.